Instruments are light solutions for inflight casual work aboard private jets. The nature of work on board and the evolution of our habits and devices were taken into account. We chose to implement a range of work tools in proximity to the passengers : a tablet, a power source and directional lighting.
For passengers to have at their disposal relatively voluminous and movable objects on board is a true luxury that marks the exclusivity of the experience. Unlike the ceiling-integrated LEDs on airliners, we proposed an actual lamp.This drove us to rethink the object as a top element and a base, with an obvious visual and magnetic connection between the two. The lamp is slightly rounded on the bottom. It has to be mounted on a base to be powered and to stand still. This ensures the safety of the device during flight time. These distinct visual cues are common to all of the objects. The aluminum and leather tools are refined, precise and reliable, which is in perfect alignment with the client's values and identity.

with Alexis Reymond
CLIENT : confidential
PHOTOGRAPHY : VĂ©ronique Huyghe - 2016